Saturday, May 2, 2020

mindfulness & teen anxiety during quarantine

Happy Saturday! Or, is it...? I hope this finds you well. I also understand that you may not feel well, even if you are well. Whether you are keeping up with the course or not, I hope you you look in on the course blog occasionally -- like now, because this morning's Los Angeles Times featured an article with some ideas that can help you and your families deal with some of the feelings that come up when we're stuck and out of our routines. The article was written as a resource for parents, which you can tell by the tone (see that English-y thing I did there? ;).  You may want to talk about it with them, or just be your own parent and practice using some of the strategies and resources. You can read the whole article HERE.

Some highlights:

Remember, practicing mindfulness can be as simple as feeling your feet on the floor, touching your fingers together, breathing, and letting thoughts come up and float away. If you want to focus on a particular thought or feeling, you can, but you don't have to -- the key is being aware of the present moment, right here, right now...

Stay mindful, be well, and have a great day.

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