Monday, May 4, 2020

may 4 w online meeting #31

for our MOM: [All those times people said, "Thank God it's Friday." Now it's kind of hard to tell one day from the next. Focus on something to be thankful for TODAY. Feel free to meditate on this one everyday.]

This morning my dog woke me up early for a walk, because he knows it's Monday and he thought it was a school day. So I had to explain the whole coronavirus thing to him all over again. How would you explain what's going on? (To a dog, or a small child, or an alien, or someone who just woke up from a coma they'd been in since November...)


You can use your journal simply to write about life and your experiences in these unusual, challenging times.

1. MOM
2. Journal
3. Our meeting (*in today's meeting we talked about the fall, our writing for "Surviving With Class," and books we might like to read before the end of the semester. I'll publish a separate post on these topics later this afternoon.)

Please make sure to post your Fahrenheit 451 essay if it's not on your blog yet. Better late than never.

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