Wednesday, May 6, 2020

may 6

For our MOM: [Breathe. Keep doing that.]

What's the biggest opportunity you have in your life? What are you going to do to pursue it?


You can use your journal simply to write about life and your experiences in these unusual, challenging times.

1. MOM
2. Journal
3. A note from me

Today was the first school weekday (including Spring Break) since campus closed that I did not host a zoom meeting for us online at 1:00. The reason is that I went to school today. I went there because, for reasons I will never understand, I had to complete an individual form for each student "changing" your progress report grade -- actually handwriting your name, your student number, your graduation year, and your course grade, along with my signature and the reason (my internet connection glitched on the day of the Aeries deadline).

I pride myself on doing what needs to be done for my students, so if that's what administrators required to file a grade for you, I was going to do it. I sat at my desk in our classroom and I took nearly two hours to complete a form for every student in every period I teach. Then I scanned the forms in batches and emailed them to the administrators who asked me to do this.

That's not why I'm writing this.

I gave myself enough time, I thought, to get the job done and get back home in time to get online with you. But when I arrived at school, I turned the corner of our building and came face to face with security guards (not ours, private uniforms) and three homeless people. None of them were wearing masks, gloves, or any other protective gear.

I am proud that our campus provides shelter and meals for so many in need. And, once I knew to expect people there, I walked a wider circle and kept a safe social distance. 

But that first interaction concerned me. I wasn't prepared for it. I wasn't wearing my own mask because I had no reason to expect people would be just hanging out in that part of campus, much less sitting and standing so close to the parking lot entrance, so close together, without protection.

So, everything took longer than I planned. It took me longer to walk around, and it took me longer to clean up when I got home. It took me a lot longer to compose myself, ask myself what (if anything) I should share with you, and decide on this.

I don't pretend to have a crystal ball or know what is right for each student. So, I am encouraging each of you to start a conversation with your parents/guardians about what you want to see happen in the fall. If seven people on campus pose a risk, what will happen when there are more than three thousand?

That's it for now. I'm going to take a deep breath in the healthy, quarantined comfort of my own home, and I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow at 1:00.

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