Thursday, May 7, 2020

AP testing options

I've just heard from Dr. Martinez that the AP exam for English Language & Composition will be offered on campus at SMHS in the parking lot (cars not provided) or the MMLC.

Over the past month, I've communicated with all of you about working devices and internet access, and no one indicated any trouble. If that is still the case, and you have everything you need to do your best in a comfortable working space at home, I recommend that as your first option. However, if any issues have developed, or you just feel more able to do your best if you take the exam at school, I need to know right away so that I can send Dr. Martinez numbers and she can plan the space accordingly.

If you want to take the AP Eng Lang Comp exam on campus on May 20 from 11:00 - 12:00, please comment to this post or email me at by 5:00 P.M. today.  Thanks!

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