Monday, December 9, 2019

december 9

We know that dinosaurs and other sentient species lived on Earth a long time ago and then became extinct. Can you imagine a time when humans are extinct? What might cause this, and what might take our place? Describe in detail.

1. Journal
2. Interview/s & audience participation (REMINDER: The audience participation responsibilities outlined in class 11.19.  If you weren't there, please ask a friend. Whether or not you are interviewing today, and whether or not your period even has an interview scheduled, you have a job to do.  Do it.)
3. (if time) Study for vocab final and/or prep for your interview

(Note: Interviews will begin promptly at 15 minutes after the bell begins the period.  This should give you ample time to settle in, write in your journal, and prepare your résumé, references, and cover letter.)

Elva* (*Elva is out sick today, is anyone else ready/willing to interview today?) 


  1. On Juan's interview:
    You will never know which questions will be asked so something you could improve on is reviewing the questions so you don't have dead time between the questions. However, it seemed to me that it was probably because you were nervous in the beginning as compared to when you were in the middle of the interview. You gained that confidence. You got louder as well. Great job

  2. On Pedro's interview:
    Perhaps something you could work on is being a little big more louder. You were a bit quiet but you didn't seem nervous at all. I felt confidence in your voice and you seem well prepared to answer the questions.


LAST POST FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50

What a year. As often as I say it, I still feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank you. Thank you for your effort, your insig...