Saturday, May 30, 2020

requesting your input for finals week

This is where I feel the campus closure. In an ordinary year, this would be my favorite weekend. I'd be curating everyone's Masterpiece Academy presentations, reading final essays, and heading into a week of feasting, reflection, and celebration with you all.

Instead, I'm back on the course blog, wondering where/how you are.

Thanks to those of you who have contributed pieces for "Surviving With Class." I'm beginning to stitch those together into one document that we can edit and share on Monday.

Thanks to those of you who have posted your final reflection, and/or gotten in touch with me about final grades.

I'm writing today because there are things happening in the world that directly affect our lives. As a teacher, a father, and a caring human being, I cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that racism, violence, and economic inequality continue to plague our country and our community. We need to discuss this. Please comment to this post with any ideas you want to share, or questions you'd like to ask, and I will make space in Monday's 1:00 meeting for this.

Please plan on attending either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday at 1:00.

And understand: racism and inequality isn't something that happens to other people. There is no "them" -- even racists are different versions of us. As painful as they are, this is also about more than the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Aubery, and Breonna Taylor, and so many other people of color who have suffered at the hands of those sworn to protect and serve. The pandemic is not evenly distributed. People of color, and especially poor people of color, are suffering disproportionately. If we are ever going to get anywhere with regard to healing and improving this country's tradition of racism, we must speak to it and act on our convictions.  NOW.

Having said all that, I hope you and your families are well and enjoying a peaceful weekend. See you Monday.

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