Wednesday, May 27, 2020

may 27 w online meeting #45

For your MOM: [If you haven't been doing a minute of mindfulness each day -- if you've been telling yourself you're too busy, you're too stressed, it doesn't matter, whatever-- stop cheating yourself. Give yourself the gift of a minute. Better yet, give yourself 5-10.]

JOURNAL TOPIC: If you could travel anywhere in the world this week, where would you go?

- OR -

You can use your journal simply to write about life and your experiences in these unusual, challenging times.

1. MOM
2. Journal
3. Meeting
4. Post

Today on Zoom we read "The Monkey's Paw" (click the title to read if you missed it, or watch the recording below). The theme we discussed is that we should be careful what we wish for, because we might GET it. This might seem illogical - shouldn't we wish for the things we want, and hope that we get them? Isn't that the whole point of wishing? The thing is, sometimes the things we wish for come to us in ways we would never wish for (this is where you should read the story for a powerful example). So, today's post is this: either in a nonfiction essay/reflection, OR in a fiction story, describe what happens when an SMHS student goes to sleep on March 13 wishing for no more school this year. And gets her wish, in the form of a pandemic.

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LAST POST FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50

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