Tuesday, May 5, 2020

family story time!

I wanted to make sure that everyone had a chance to answer the poll -- the most popular time seems to be 3:00 P.M., so this Thursday, please gather all the kids in your house, young and old (parents and grandparents are invited too!), for our first family story time. We will feature Dr. Seuss "The Sneetches" -- and if you think it's just for little kids, well, you haven't read a children's book with me. There will be something in it for everyone. Even if you're alone, you might want to tune in -- unless you think that materialism, racism, and a positive message for all humanity can't possibly be funny... and ADORABLE!  Looking forward to meeting everyone online.

*NOTE: Because this meeting will include little ones, I am more protective about security than you tough, social media-savvy high school types. I sent a private invitation to the people I remembered expressing an interest. If you haven't yet received the email, and you want to join this meeting, please email me at dpreston.learning@gmail.com and I will send you the zoom invitation and the password to get in. Think of it like the super-secret private club for the A-list -- but with me, little kids, and Dr. Seuss. :) 

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