Tuesday, April 21, 2020

april 21 w online meeting #22

for our MOM: [Close your eyes. Touch the fingertips of your left hand to the fingertips of your right. Think of all the wonderful things those hands can do. When you're ready, open your eyes and then use your hands to answer the journal topic.]

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Changes" by David Bowie]
Describe something wonderful you can do with your hands.  What can you build/cook/write/play/or [?] that can be seen and appreciated by others?


You can use your journal simply to write about life and your experiences in these unusual, challenging times.

1. MOM
2. Journal
3. Our meeting
4. Please remember to read the essay I wrote

POST: In today's reading, Granger talks about his grandfather. What about his description made an impression on you?  How did Granger's grandfather use his hands, and why does this matter -- to Granger, to Montag, and to us? (title: GIVE US A HAND)

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