Tuesday, March 31, 2020

march 31 w online meeting #8

for our MOM: What is the first book you remember reading? Enjoying?

As we get deeper into Fahrenheit 451, it seems that Montag is exploring a side of himself that's been hidden for a long time.  As you consider his character, and people in your life, and even yourself, ask yourself these questions: What makes a person "hard core" or gentle? Are such qualities innate or learned? Can they be changed?  How?


You can use your journal simply to write about life and your experiences in these unusual, challenging times.

1. Journal
2. If you haven't yet, please have a look at the Fahrenheit 451 questions in the March 24 post & see if you can answer on your blog. If an answer doesn't jump out at you as obvious, ask a friend for help (you too can create an online get-together! :) or ask me tomorrow when we meet.
3. Our online meeting
4. Post

What do people think about books and the new technology now?  Do you agree with others on this, or do you have your own perspective? (title: BOOKS & NEW TECH)

(Thanks for the topic, Lyna!)

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