Thursday, March 19, 2020

march 19

Today I got to speak with my daughter online. Who are the people you miss right now because you can't get out of the house or do the things you usually do?


What routines are you adopting to compensate for the lack of school/sports/work structure in your life?  Are you exercising, reading, learning something new?  Do you eat and go to bed on some sort of schedule?

[Please feel free to continue writing on paper, or share your ideas in a comment to this post.]

1. Journal
2. Please read the first four pages of Fahrenheit 451 to the last line: "How long had they walked together?  Three minutes? Five?"


  1. Some new routines that I am adopting to are to be able to do my school work, do the video conferences, and still do my house chores on time. I am still struggling but its not as bad as day one. I know I will get used to my new routine soon.

  2. Every day I am checking my mail, any one note and of course this blog right when I wake up to make sure I don't miss anything. I also still have to do chores and help around the house and because Im not yet used to not going to school everyday and working my brain as hard, its a little hard to keep up with everything.

  3. The routines I am adopting to compensate for the lack of school are not the best, but it is what it is. I do more cleaning and tiding up stuff around my house than do my school work. Staying inside feels like jail. This must be a small glimpse of solitary confinement. It stinks. The day doesn’t even feel like a day, unless I spend some time outside. My siblings and I walk up and down our street so that counts for exercise.


LAST POST FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50

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