Monday, February 24, 2020

february 24

[This morning, your MOM is thoughtless ... just breathe.]

Describe the last time you simply fell out laughing.  What set you off?  If this has never happened to you (poor you), what do you think it would take?

**If you finish before the rest of us: a) refine your journal entries for the week; b) look up "Trimalchio"; c) work on your blog.

1.  Journal (please turn in)
2. Gatsby: Chapter VIII (8)
3. Agreements/ reading and blogs

1. Post your notes and thoughts on Gatsby Ch.8 (title: GATSBY CHAPTER 8 NOTES AND THOUGHTS)

2. What's the difference between agreeing to complete work for each other, being told what to do for homework, and exploring what you want to in your own way?  (title: HAVE TO VERSUS WANT TO VERSUS GET TO)

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Preston isn't this the same Journal topic from February 19?


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