Tuesday, November 5, 2019

november 5

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Don't Sweat the Technique" by Eric B. & Rakim]
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Treat men great and they will prove themselves great."  Was he right?  Explain why you agree or disagree.

1. Journal
2. Discussion: What is the role of ethos, pathos, logos, & kairos in an argument?
3. Continue "On Self-Reliance"

Record your discussion notes on ethos, pathos, logos & kairos (title: RHETORICAL STRATEGIES PART I).  In your post, please make sure to define each concept and provide three examples from the articles of how the concept is used to support an argument (or, how its absence took away from the effectiveness of the argument).

Continue reading Emerson's "On Self-Reliance" and post your notes (title: ON SELF-RELIANCE PART II).  Also record any questions and ideas you have about Emerson's diction, concepts, and what you thought while you read, and bring these to class on Wednesday prepared to discuss.

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