Wednesday, September 25, 2019

ygb essay

Thanks to everyone who posted their ideas about the essay on their blogs!

Here is a small sample:

I had to get creative in order to balance all of the feedback.  Here is what I came up with:

Young Goodman Brown goes for a walk.  Or does he?  All of the leaders in government and the church are in the night forest with the devil.  Or are they?  Brown's Faith and his faith are lost when his lovely young bride is just as much of an evil liar as anyone.  Or is she?

Whether this story is about a dream or a lived experience, the protagonist shows us how our beliefs -- which can take the shape of faith-- really are.  When he changes the way he sees the world, his world actually changes.

How does Hawthorne communicate this theme?  Please consider at least three of the following literary techniques in your answer: plot, tone, symbolism, foreshadowing, diction, syntax, and characterization.

Please post your rough draft on your blog today.  No matter how much (or little) you get done.  Mahalo.

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