Thursday, September 12, 2019

what's with all the books?

This morning I watched students walk into class carrying stacks of textbooks.  "My teachers told us to bring them all today," one student said, "but it's not like we're gonna use 'em, so I don't get the point."

Once a year, auditors visit our campus to make sure SMHS is complying with the Williams Consent Decree.  Long story short, this is designed to ensure that every student has access to instructional materials and that there is a published/posted complaint process in case students' basic needs (instructional materials, clean/functioning facilities, properly assigned teachers, etc.) aren't being met.

Today the auditors will make their annual visit.  They'll check the posters on the walls, and they'll look to see whether every student has access to a book.  If they ask you anything about the books, tell them the truth. 

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