Sunday, September 22, 2019

september 23

Some students have decided to stab themselves with sharp objects in sensitive areas (tongues, faces, belly buttons). Why? What does this symbolize to you?  What do you think they intended it to symbolize?

*Mindfulness Monday*
1. Journal
2. What happened in the woods?  And... will you be taking a test on "Young Goodman Brown" or can you share your thinking in more productive ways?
3. We write to create value through shared understanding

Why do you think Hawthorne wrote "Young Goodman Brown"?  Why do you think Stephen King was so affected by the story?  What does it say about what we can really know about other people and the power of our imaginations?  (title: YOUNG OLD GOOD BAD)

"Do. Or Do Not. There is no Essay."  (The author will be asking you questions about this in class on Tuesday.)

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