Sunday, September 15, 2019

september 16

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Alive" by Pearl Jam]

What makes you feel ALIVE?  Not just like you're functioning, not just surviving, but really, truly ALIVE?  (My inner surfer might call this "stoked.")  Describe a moment that you conquered a fear, did something that made you feel triumphant, or experienced anything else that shocked you into an awareness or a feeling of being totally ALIVE.  It can be as simple as a dunk in freezing cold water, or realizing you walked into a room for something and totally forgot why.

[Happy Mindfulness Monday-- take the time you need]

1. Journal
2. Work on your Literature Analysis (due Friday)
3. Begin reading "Young Goodman Brown" & track vocabulary

First impressions of "Young Goodman Brown" (title: SO THIS GUY GOES FOR A WALK...)

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