It's an open question. Think about our first in-class discussion, ask
yourself what you really want out of this semester, and then comment to
this post with your decision and at least one reason for it. (NOTE:
As Benjamin Franklin famously observed, "We all hang together or we all
hang separately." We won't move forward unless all of us participate.)
created an approach to learning in which students use 2.0 tools to
create their online identities, express themselves, and show the public what
they can do.
I call the model Open Source Learning and I define it with a mouthful:
"A guided learning process that combines timeless best practices with
today's tools in a way that empowers learners to create interdisciplinary paths of inquiry, communities of interest and critique, and a
portfolio of knowledge capital that is directly transferable to the
Students use Open Source
Learning to create a wild variety of personal goals, Big Questions, Collaborative Working Groups, and online
portfolios of work that they can use for personal curiosity, self-improvement, or as a competitive advantage in applying for jobs, scholarships, and admission to colleges and universities.
You can see a sample course blog here, some member blogs here, and sample masterpieces here and here.
Several members of the first Open Source Learning cohort made this video about the experience:
In an era when it seems like all you hear about school is how much it
sucks, it's nice to see student achievement make positive waves. Check
out this Open Source Learning interview with students and Howard Rheingold, the man who literally wrote the book on The Virtual Community 20 years ago.
defining characteristic of Open Source Learning is that there is no
chief; all of us are members of a network that is constantly evolving.
Another key element is transparency. What we learn and how
well we learn it, how we respond to setbacks, and even some of our favorite inspirations and habits of mind are right out there in public for everyone to see. Readers will rightly perceive what we curate as the best we have to offer.
And all this is Open. In thermodynamics, an open system exchanges substance, not just light and heat. To us, the important idea is that the network can change in composition and purpose. Every time you meet someone new and exchange ideas, you're not only enriching each other, you're changing your minds and contributing opportunities for others to do the same. In other words, you're learning and teaching* (*one of the most effective ways to learn).
We're not limited to one source for curriculum or
instruction. We have a full slate of
online conferences scheduled this year including authors, authorities on the
Internet and social media, entrepreneurs, and others. A few years ago a mother/daughter team presented a
lesson on class distinctions in Dickens & Dr. Seuss online. Ricky Luna invited a champion drummer to talk with students online about music and its connections to literature and life. If we read something that makes an
impression we can reach out to the author. As you get the
hang of this you'll come up with your own ideas. Testing them will give you a better sense of how to use the experience to your greatest advantage.
one knows how learning actually works--what IS that little voice that
tells you what you should've said 15 minutes after you should've said it? How does a subneuronal lightning storm somehow account for our experience of being conscious? We are not sure how to account for the individual experience and demonstration of learning. We are also not sure what exactly the individual should be learning about at a time when factoids are a search click away and the economy, the environment, and the future are all increasingly complex and uncertain.
Maybe this is why learning still seems magical. Maybe it shouldn't be. Maybe if we learned more about how we think we'd be better off. After all, how we think is a powerful influence on how we act. If you think of your blog work as a list of traditional school assignments/chores, you will treat it that way and it will show. Your friends will miss your posts and worry that you've moved to The House Beyond the Internet-- or that you're still at your place but trapped under something heavy. At any rate you'll be missing the whole point. This work should help you connect the dots between the interests that drive you, an academic course that derives its title from words hardly anyone uses in casual conversation, and practical tasks like applying for scholarships and college admissions. The general idea is for you to: do your best at something personally meaningful; learn about how you and others learn while you're in
the act; and fine-tune your life accordingly. In addition to mastering the core curriculum, improving your own mind is the highest
form of success in this course of study.
As you well
know (Put that phone away or I'll confiscate it!), many people are
worried about the use of technology in education. They are rightly
concerned about safety, propriety, and focus: will learners benefit or
will they put themselves at risk? The only way to conclusively prove
that the benefits far outweigh the risks is to establish your identities
and show yourselves great, both online and in meatspace. As we move forward you will
learn how the Internet works, how you can be an effective online
citizen, and how you can use 2.0 and 3.0 tools to achieve your personal
and professional goals. You'll also learn a lot about writing and the habits of mind that make readers and writers
successful communicators.
Because Open Source Learning is a team
sport, this is all your call. You have to decide if you want to pursue
this new direction, or if you want to invent another possibility with or without digital and social media, or if you prefer the familiarity of the traditional
approach. There is admittedly something comforting about the smell of
an old book, even if it's a thirty-pound textbook that spent the summer
in a pile of lost-and-found P.E. clothes. My perspective may be obvious
but I'm just one voice. Please add yours with a comment below.
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LAST POST FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50
What a year. As often as I say it, I still feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank you. Thank you for your effort, your insig...
Our minds are naturally inclined toward associative and interdisciplinary thinking. We connect the dots in all sorts of ways, often when w...
What was interesting to you about the book? What part did you enjoy reading? What technique did the author use that made you sit back and...
Hi Everyone, SMHS administrators are making a big effort to help every student connect with teachers. To support this, they are asking eac...
Out of this semester I want to be able learn how to use the internet wisely and not just waste my time. Also, I prefer a traditional approach with pencil and paper. Somehow a book in front of me helps me concentrate a whole lot more than being in front of a screen for hours trying to complete a school assignment.
ReplyDeleteI love pushing the pencil on paper, I also like how internet work is effective, but tends to not be if you do not use your time wisely. I do prefer paper work because of that specific reasoning. This semester and onward, I do want to learn and manage my time with the internet and social media. In class, I also prefer sitting up front so I can stay focused much more. I am always up for a challenge, new beginnings and staying open minded.
ReplyDeleteI love putting my thoughts out onto paper and have that sensation of just writing and getting lost in one's own thoughts but, theres something about having a flow while typing. Something many may not feel. While some of us prefer a pencil and paper, neither is bad. It's just a better way we express our selves... This semester I hope to learn a lot more than what I anticipate on learning.
ReplyDeleteI would've gladly chosen to grab a pencil and paper ,but I am excited to see what's ahead of me now choosing this new approach. I am not really the type to get out of my comfort zone and try new things ,but this seems like it will be so useful and who doesn't want to work smarter than harder.
ReplyDeleteI usually like to type down what I believe or think because if I know what i'm going to say then typing is a faster way for me to get my thoughts down. Although I prefer typing down my thoughts I sometimes write down some key points that I want to type down for later on like a sticky note or a index card.
ReplyDeleteThe traditional route would have been more in my comfort zone since it is what I grew accustomed with. Although giving the unfamiliar route a try seems like a good opportunity to learn more about what the internet could potentially hold and use it to my advantage.
ReplyDeletePreferably, I enjoy the feeling of my hands taking over my pencil and spewing my endless thoughts onto a piece of flimsy paper. It's not that technology is my enemy, in fact it's a huge part of most of our lives, but physically writing something has become such a tradition to school lifestyle that I'm used to it. Although, I hope that the new approach to our class, with the use of blogs and technology, we'll find a way to communicate better and work things out together.
ReplyDeleteI actually like he fact that were doing something different and do an open soure learning which i believe gets me better prepared for college
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty excited to be learning in this new way especially because we've always been using textbooks which always gets boring. And even with this class being an AP class, im really hoping for a great school year.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to this new method of learning and discovering different things that will benefit me. It's cool to know that I can learn something new using a different technique instead of the usual out of the book teachings.
ReplyDeleteTyping has always made it easier for me to get my thoughts out and revise rather than the basic pen and paper approach, so trying the open source learning is something I'm excited to do.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I may like the smell of wood on a pencil (mainly the smell of wood) I'am looking forward to trying new ways of learning.
ReplyDeleteHaving to write freely is like floating on top of your endless thoughts. The more you splurge your thoughts on a sheet of paper, the more you realize how it's possible to get lost in your mind of thinking. However, it also occurs when you're trying as well. Yes, everyone has a different approach when it comes to writing your thoughts but either one is fine to use... I'm excited to learn how to use the internet in a way that is going to be beneficial to us as in a personal/ academic level besides social media.
ReplyDeleteFor me, I am use to doing most things on pencil and paper also reading out of the textbooks the more traditional way as you may call. But, I am never afraid to try new things to help show different ways of learning.
ReplyDeleteI love doing the old traditional pencil/pen and paper and textbook since its always been my own preferred style of learning. However, I want to be open-minded and try new ways of learning. Who knows i may like it better or absolutely hate it ,but you never know.
ReplyDeleteSince we have been in the school education system for at least 11 years now, the old traditional way of learning has been ingrained into our heads which has unfortunately made learning a monotonous schedule we go through every Monday through Friday. Even though I am personally used to the traditional way of education I'm still very interested to see how this open style of learning will work, which is something as student I haven't felt in a long time.
ReplyDeleteOut of this semester I plan to learn along with everyone else about how the internet works and what we can improve in all the activities held in class. One reason would be that we are surrounded by WIFI everywhere and we have to learn a new way to communicate even through social media or through blogging. Even though this is a new way of learning by blogging our lives its easier in a way but difficult for the fact that we are so use to the old traditional way with pencil and paper.
ReplyDeleteI love holding a book when I am reading for fun. I can be in a library for hours! As I came into the class, I was waiting for another "introduce yourself, etc". Most of us know each other and may have had other classes together. When I heard the speech/ intro and you gave us the decision to decide, I, of course found it more interesting doing something online than read textbooks and interpret why the author wrote this, what's the main idea, and how purple curtains can represent emotions. Perhaps, that was just a detail. I got so excited when I heard the word blogger! When we went more in depth, it sounded like something a college student would do, commenting and writing post for a professor. I am very open to this and new learning styles. I hope to gain as much knowledge as I can throughout this year and explore the places we can go with English, reading, and projects.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of myself, I am what people usually refer to as a "book worm". If I'm deeply consumed by a novel I tend to get lost in the words and sentences for hours! And the same goes for when I write. If I'm passionate/interested in a topic my pencil will seem to never leave the paper. Therefore, I have always been the old school paper and a pencil person. But, that changed after I entered my fifth period class. After a speech was given, I decided to be open-minded, and take a risk on a new learning-style. To conclude, I am excited to see how this blogging technique will play out this semester. So, to answer your question, yes, this course blog see tomorrow, and many more days to come.