Friday, August 23, 2019

today's class ain't happening

We will not meet today because the school demands you stand around on a field and yell.  Apparently this builds something important.  Have fun (?) and I'll see you Monday.  In the meantime, feel free to explain the benefits of the event in a comment to this post.


  1. The benefits of the rally may not be significant to everyone but I do believe that this event is beneficial for our school. Some benefits of the rally for us, students, is how we may not know every single person who is in our class grade but with this rally, it helps us come together as one making student relations a bit stronger because there is a mutual understanding of how we survived together this long through high school and sometimes it can be very important to know that. Also with this rally it bring out our school pride so even though we are representing our class grades, it still makes our school look like a better place to come to.

  2. I don't really think their is a lot to the rally but its a break from having to sit around a class and having to do work, its just much more fun.

  3. The Benefits in this Event could be getting the Freshman to see how the upperclassman go crazy so they can be prepared for future football Games and other rally's. It is also a way they try to show who is better and loudest between the grade levels. So on, freshman get a perpective and a small impact to be wild next time and the following year they do what everyone has done before. They then proceed to take same action and be part of the influence for the incoming Freshman.

  4. There aren't really any benefits to a rally but it is a fun and exciting event that i look forward to every year because it brings out my school spirit.

  5. There isn't really a benefit to a rally since all you do is sit and watch how the seniors make a mess out of confetti and how the freshman look very confused.


LAST POST FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50

What a year. As often as I say it, I still feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank you. Thank you for your effort, your insig...