Wednesday, April 8, 2020

april 8 w online meeting #14

for our MOM: [Today, just take a breath -- then exhale and repeat. Continue for 60 seconds.]

In the background of Fahrenheit 451, there is a war looming -- eventually (spoiler) there will be a bombing.  The first time I wrote this journal topic, I was teaching class on December 7, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor.  Before 9/11, Pearl Harbor was the biggest attack on the United States; unfortunately there are many examples of this sort of destruction throughout history. Unlike the coronavirus pandemic, national crises like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor were created on purpose -- they were intentional attacks designed to kill many people.

What can possibly account for this? Yesterday Faber described unflattering ways that the U.S. is seen by people in other countries.  Do you think this could motivate people to do that sort of damage? Why do you think people resort to this type of violence? (NOTE: This is a loaded question -- please forgive the pun -- so you can also use it for today's post. Suggested title: A CASE FOR WAR?)


You can use your journal simply to write about life and your experiences in these unusual, challenging times.

1. MOM
2. Journal
3. Our meeting
4. Post

(Please see JOURNAL TOPIC above.)

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